December 11th 2024, 6pm - 10pm

Affiliate Ball holiday Meetup - Los Angeles

(The D-Money Show is Back)

Live Streaming Mastermind / Podcast / Dinner / Party

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Come Celebrate The Holidays With Us!

We average around 200 performance marketers at our Los Angeles Meetups.  This is a great opportunity to see lots of industry friends and network just before the holidays.

Guests can arrive early to network in the lounge before transitioning into the theater for The D-Money Show Mastermind & Podcast.  After the live show, we'll open up as a party with more industry friends arriving for the Meetup.

2 Events Same Night - Holiday Party & Live Interviews (D-Money Show) - Attend either or both!

Starting at 6:00 PM, we’ll kick off the evening with cocktails in the lounge until 7:00 PM. After that, guests will move into the theater for an hour of insights from five performance marketing insiders. While sitting with industry friends, you'll learn and be entertained as the Kookaburra serves up the best finger foods!

The show will be a unique mix of a late-night talk show, a mastermind session, and fun vibe. We've always pushed boundaries, and this will be no exception. With a live audience, performance marketing's brightest minds. Plus, you never know who might show up it in LA.

As you fill out the RSVP form, let us know if you'd like us to save you a seat for both the live D-Money Show and/or the Affiliate Ball Holiday Meetup, happening back to back. If you’re only attending the Affiliate Ball Holiday Meetup, join us between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM! Come network and have fun with over 200 performance marketing BALLERS!

A Little History...

For those who don’t know, The D-Money Show originally started in 2000, back when streaming live interviews from trade shows was cutting-edge.   The show was around for well over a decade until D$ decided to take a break.  At this time, the D-Money Show will be done as once in a while special event mixing a live talk show mixed with mastermind as a live audience is fed amazing food and drinks.
Combining networking, dinner, and a mastermind all in one experience.  We hope to get enough sponsor support to throw these quarterly, starting in LA.  Please email us if you're interested in sponsoring these events and possibly being a guest on the show.

The Show

Live audience: Carefully selected industry professionals (20-200 in-person)

    • Speakers / Show Guests: 5 top performance marketers - possibly a surprise guest
    • Event Time: 60 minutes of interviews, mastermind, and on-the-spot content
      creation - videos of the show will be available later.
    • Post-show Meetup: After the show, it’s time for our Affiliate Ball Meetup, where 200+ industry friends, both local and traveling, join the party.
    • Performances: We'll always have a live DJ or house band for each show.

    This isn’t just another podcast—it’s an event. It’s a show. It’s a party. And it’s a space where the best in
    the business come together to learn, network, and have a blast.

RSVP Los Angeles 2025 - Meetup

Step 1 of 2

*When you RSVP you are creating an account on the Affiliate Ball mobile app you can use to access your event pass.